Examining the Latest Legal Developments and their Impact

Tag: divorce attorney


Trends in Divorce and Family Law

Divorce is a painful, often embarrassing subject for everyone involved. Once the decision has been reached to cut ties with a loved one, drawing out the process in a long and argumentative divorce only worsens the already strained relationship. If the separated couple had children together, the strain becomes even stronger. With these impending difficulties in mind, knowledge of the trends in divorce and family law can help families prepare for their next steps during this unpredictable time. Here are a few insights from a top divorce attorney in New Jersey on this subject matter.

How Does Divorce Work

Understanding Alimony and Child Support Payments

While browsing online, you can find just about anything you want.  For example, if divorce is in the cards for you, you can find a site where a calculator will determine what amount you may receive from your ex-spouse for alimony or child support.  These sites are great for giving you a general idea, but, are for discussion purposes only, since it is the judge who presides over the proceeding who generates the decision after a review of important criteria regarding your case.

So, what does a judge take into consideration regarding alimony and child support?

First, we’ll look at alimony…

Divorce Laws NJ

Common Questions for Divorce Lawyers

When people marry, they pledge to be together forever. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. No one likes the idea of going through a divorce, but some circumstances make it nearly impossible for people to stay with each other. The decision to end a marriage, however, is almost always an emotional and legally complicated matter. Therefore, we have put together answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about divorce.

Child Custody

Common Issues About Child Custody

Child custody can be a hotly contested topic during and even after a divorce. Parents often have questions regarding how to handle the issue, and how to cause the children as little pain as possible. In many instances, it is important to find an attorney who specializes in such matters.  While there are basic procedures that most child custody cases follow, it is helpful to have as much information as possible going into a child custody case. This article provides a brief overview of common issues in child custody, as well as frequently asked questions that parents may have regarding their specific cases.