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Employment Attorney

What to Ask an Employment Attorney

If you have a workplace related legal issue such as workplace bullying, discrimination, harassment of any type of unfair or unlawful termination, it might be time to meet up with an Employment attorney in New Jersey. This is of course, a worst case scenario.  One of the first things you should do is try to talk to the person in charge or to human resources to see what can be done – if anything.  If all else fails, then the next logical step would be to speak to a lawyer.  When it comes to meeting with a lawyer, make sure that you make the process as easy and smooth as you can.  Be sure to prepare a list of a few questions that you want to ask the lawyer.  Asking questions is a great way to see if you and the lawyer are a good match and if they can handle the situation at hand properly.  Here are a few of the questions you should be asking your Employment attorney if you are serious about the situation and need help.

Legal Ethics for Paralegals

Legal ethics are obviously related to the legal system, but they are a set of standards and guidelines in where conduct is measured. Most anyone in the legal system will use NJ legal ethics, but they vary depending on the position and title you ascertain. For example, paralegals and lawyers both have rules of conduct, but because lawyers tend to deal more with clients one on one, they have different rules of conduct than a paralegal. But, the same sentiment remains – to keep the client protected via confidentiality, as well as keep the lawyer or paralegal protected as well. There are by far and wide, more rules for lawyers than paralegals, but here are a few things you might want to look over as far as legal ethics for paralegals.

Business Lawyer

Questions to Ask an Attorney

Ask an Attorney

When it comes time to hire a NJ ethics attorney, usually they will give you a very low cost fee on a consultation. This is to help them better understand what your situation is, answer any questions you have (basic) and give them a better idea of if they can help you and what the plan of action would be. It’s a great way for you to understand and know if this is the lawyer you should choose for your specific matter. If you really want to choose the best lawyer for your case, there are a few questions you should be asking attorneys that you speak to – also keep in mind, that a lawyer should make you feel comfortable enough to ask about things like fees, expertise, years in practice, experience, etc. So if you don’t feel comfortable asking these questions, maybe you already have your answer as to if this is the attorney for your case. If you do feel comfortable asking those questions and feel like you are in a safe environment, here are a few things you should be concerned with.