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Tips for A Successful Marriage

Tips for A Successful MarriageYou often hear the expression “a marriage made in Heaven”, signifying that two people are so compatible in a harmonious marriage or partnership, that it is as if that union was created in Heaven.

Most people would like to think that their marriage bears this seal of approval, but, the sad truth is that, these days, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce – in fact, you might be surprised to know that in the U.S., someone gets divorced every 10 to 13 seconds.  It seems that divorce is the solution when ideas and hearts no longer mesh – a disagreement or two, and harsh words are exchanged, then usually words perhaps are spoken, that are best left unsaid.  Next thing you know, a couple is not seeking marriage counseling, but one or the other is headed to a divorce attorney.  Often the source of discontent is money.  So, sometimes, having the forethought to have a prenuptial agreement in place to iron out any money issues before the marriage takes place, may be helpful.  But, in some instances, the mere suggestion of getting a “prenup” raises your partner’s hackles.

At one time, people married young, and stayed married for life, or until death robbed the remaining partner of longstanding love and companionship.  It makes your heart feel good to see an elderly couple holding hands and still enjoying one another after so many decades.