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NJ law skin color discrimination in the workplace
sexual orientation discrimination laws in New Jersey

What is Arbitration?

Arbitration is a way to solve a dispute legally. An independent third party will determine the resolution to the dispute in a private setting. An arbitration hearing can use either a tribunal or an individual arbitrator. A tribunal is typically made up of several arbitrators. It is customary in most settings to have an odd number of tribunal members in order to avoid a tie. The parties who are involved in the dispute will hand their power to decide the dispute over to the arbitrator. Arbitration is just as binding and final as litigation and it is a valid alternative to going to court. It has been given the nickname the “business man’s method of resolving disputes.” However, the procedure is governed by both state and federal laws. Many states contain the provisions for Arbitration in their civil practice rules. This helps to provide a guideline for the procedures of Arbitration as well as how the arbitrator’s decision is to be handled. There are several states that have adopted the Uniform Arbitration Act while some states have laid out some very specific guidelines which govern arbitration.

NJ law protects temporary workers

New Jersey Creates Permanent Protections for Temporary Laborers

Originally posted on: https://www.employmentlit.com/2023/03/09/new-jersey-creates-permanent-protections-for-temporary-laborers/ By: Jennifer Weitz, Esq. and Ty Hyderally, Esq. On February 6, 2023, the New Jersey Legislature…

NJ employment law CEPA and covid-19

If you need to self-quarantine due to Covid – You have employment protections under the law!

Originally posted on: https://www.employmentlit.com/2023/02/23/if-you-need-to-self-quarantine-due-to-covid-you-have-employment-protections-under-the-law/ By: Francine Foner, Esq. and Ty Hyderally, Esq.   Does an employee who is terminated for…

NJ minimum wage increase 2024

New Jersey Continues Minimum Wage Increases: $15 per hour by 2024

Originally posted on: https://www.employmentlit.com/2023/01/31/new-jersey-continues-minimum-wage-increases-15-per-hour-by-2024/ By:  Ty Hyderally, Esq., Jennifer Vorih, Esq., and Tom Daly New Jersey has joined 23 other…