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Tag: divorce finances

Divorce Versus Separation

Divorce Versus Separation

For couples whose marriage is on the skids, the thought in each of the partner’s minds is “I’d be so much better if I could just leave and be rid of him/her”, even though the very finality of ending the marriage can be a scary prospect.  Unless each of the parties has a high-power job, and the financial ability to make it on their own, there is usually hesitation on either side.

Whether the marriage is of many years’ duration, or just recent, people often have a few spats, and it escalates a little further, and soon one of them threatens to end the marriage.

Retirement Planning and Divorce

Retirement Planning and Divorce

Divorce isn’t a fun topic at any age, and, it sure is not something most people anticipate as they happily stroll down the aisle while envisioning the years of marital bliss that lie ahead. Sometimes real life intervenes, and “happily ever after” isn’t always meant to be.  Things turn ugly with sharp words and accusations hurled – soon thereafter is talk of splitting up, or divorce.  Reconciliation may occur, but statistics show that only a mere 15% of all separations result in renewed marital bliss, and do not lead to divorce or reconciliation within ten years.  Those aren’t very good odds for the remaining 85% of couples, who at least believed their marriage was important enough to try to salvage.

Sentimentality aside, once the jeers and tears have gone away, the reality of divorce sets in.  Among the topics to consider going forward, is how retirement assets will be divvied up between the two partners.  Divorce can really take its toll, emotionally and financially, but the later in life it occurs, the greater the threat to retirement.   If you are getting divorced in your latter years it would be wise o consult with a top financial advisor in NJ.  A New Jersey financial advisor will be able to help you go through the process in the least painful way.