While it may seem that having the last name of Kardashian or Jenner guarantees a bidding war among companies vying…

While it may seem that having the last name of Kardashian or Jenner guarantees a bidding war among companies vying…
Who new in the early days of social platforms like Friendster and Myspace that their successors would provide the staging…
Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed workplace discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, color…
Even professionals retain their humanity which means that they are not beyond making an error; this includes dental professionals. But every mistake that is made by a dentist while treating a patient may not constitute dental malpractice. However, when a patient is injured through negligent conduct or substandard care by a dentist, oral surgeon or dental assistant, it is wise to consult with an attorney who handles cases of dental malpractice to see if they are entitled to compensation. In the typical case, there are certain rules that determine whether or not dental malpractice or negligence has occurred.
A dental professional is required to provide patients with a level of care that is acceptable. This does not mean that they are required to be perfect; however, they are required to provide practical and prudent dentistry to their clientele. When a dentist fails to provide this high level of care and the patient ends up suffering an injury, the dentist might be required to compensate for the damages his negligence caused.
Each year there are thousands of workers who witness some sort of wrongdoing on the job. They may discover fraud, abuse, or any type of actions which could jeopardize the well being, safety or lives of other people. Workers may witnesses a food processing plant which sends out contaminated food to consumers, violation of safety considerations at a nuclear facility, fraud that deceives a company’s stockholders, or a chemical company which dumps hazardous waste illegally into waterways. Too many times employees stay silent usually out of the fear of losing their jobs. Others step forward and share the truth risking their profession as well as their own well being to do so. These workers “blow the whistle” on various types of unethical conduct that occurs in the workplace in an attempt to make a difference. Basically, a whistleblower is one who discloses information that they believe to be evidence of some sort of wrongdoing on behalf of a company; or they reveal instances which may be jeopardizing the health and safety of the public in some way. Usually, a whistleblower speaks to influencing parties that can correct the situation. The whistleblower is afforded certain rights and protection by laws that are designed specifically for the purpose of protecting them.
Coining the Phrase When the sociologist and professor, Edwin Sutherland, coined the phrase “white collar crime” back in 1939, he…
Although social media may have transformed how rapidly news and information travels in the digital world, it also brings new…
What is Mediation? Two parties who cannot reach an agreeable resolution may choose to engage in the process of mediation. …
Sexual assault on college campuses is a common problem that often goes unreported. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource…
Consumers use the internet to make a variety of decisions, including what products to buy and what professionals to hire. During their research, many consumers go online to look at reviews the business has received on local business directories like Yelp or Google+. Online reviews can have a huge effect on the success of your business so it is important to understand your rights should your business receive a negative one. If your business has received a negative online review, it could be that you and your business are being defamed. Before taking action, you should consider using any dispute or review process provided by the review site.