Examining the Latest Legal Developments and their Impact

Legal Info Resources

Authoritative Online Resources for Legal Professionals and Those Seeking Legal Advice


FindLaw is an online legal resource for both individuals and small businesses. By providing easy-to-understand legal information, they aim to make the law accessible for everyone. In addition to a variety of legal topics and practice areas, FindLaw also provides information about state laws and a directory of lawyers listed by city and state.



Committed to helping vulnerable, low-income New Yorkers who lack access to legal services, LawHelp.NY.org provides important information about the New York State court system, legal rights, and free legal services within the state. This online resource also lists government offices, social service organizations and advocacy groups to which underserved New Yorkers can turn to for assistance.


Legal Services of New Jersey

The Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free legal assistance to low-income people in civil matters. By coordinating the statewide Legal Services system, LSNJ aims to provide legal aid to vulnerable people that cannot secure a lawyer on their own.



With over 150 years of legal industry experience, Martindale-Hubbell has grown into a global network encompassing over a million lawyers as well as online products and services created to connect lawyers with those in need of legal services. In addition to helping lawyers to boost their online presence, Martindale-Hubbell also offers informative content to help people researching legal issues.


New Jersey Courts

The New Jersey Courts website provides in-depth information about the New Jersey Court system which includes court records, forms for filing claims, jury selection, paying traffic tickets and domestic violence help.


New Jersey State Bar Association

Serving as the voice of New Jersey attorneys, the New Jersey State Bar Association advances both the personal and professional interests of its members. Among its responsibilities are administering the state bar exam, providing opportunities to earn Continuing Legal Education credits and disciplining attorneys accused of ethics violations.


New York Legal Assistance Group

Over the past thirty years, the New York Legal Assistance Group has provided high-quality legal services to impoverished groups in the community in need of an attorney. In addition to direct representation, this group also engages in financial counseling, medical-legal partnerships, and community education. As part of their mission, they also strive for changes in laws and regulations, government reform, and for more equitable court practices.



Since its founding forty years ago, Nolo has helped numerous consumers and small businesses address legal matters on their own with their do-it-yourself legal guides that range from online forms and software to eGuides. Furthermore, Nolo also maintains lawyer directory for those who need the advice of a lawyer.


New York State Bar Association

Representing attorneys practicing law within the state of New York, the New York Bar Association is responsible for administering the state bar exam, overseeing Continuing Legal Education requirements and disciplining attorneys for ethical and other violations.


New York State Unified Court System

Keeping you up-to-date on all of the latest developments within the New York State court system, the NY Courts website is an invaluable resource for questions about a specific court or regarding a specific area of the law. Theis website can help you with information regarding divorce, DWI, family law, landlord/tenant issues, wills and estates and traffic cases among others.
