Examining the Latest Legal Developments and their Impact


NJ employment law CEPA and covid-19

If you need to self-quarantine due to Covid – You have employment protections under the law!

Originally posted on: https://www.employmentlit.com/2023/02/23/if-you-need-to-self-quarantine-due-to-covid-you-have-employment-protections-under-the-law/ By: Francine Foner, Esq. and Ty Hyderally, Esq.   Does an employee who is terminated for…

What is the Whistleblower Protection Act?

The Whistleblower Protection Act, or WPA, gives protection from retaliation or persecution to government employees that disclose to the police illegal and improper conduct that goes on in the workplace. The law is to protect any federal employees who uncover some wrongdoing and report it to authorities. Under the WPA, the government agency accused is not allowed to end the employment or “bully” a worker of government contractors, science based agencies like NASA, or national security personnel.