Examining the Latest Legal Developments and their Impact


Third Circuit Holds FLSA Protections Extend to Anticipated Class Action Members

Originally posted on: https://www.employmentlit.com/2022/10/31/third-circuit-holds-flsa-protections-extend-to-anticipated-class-action-members/ By:  Ty Hyderally, Esq., Jannifer Vorih, Esq., and Tom Daly. Last month, the Third Circuit handed…

Work on a Federal Holiday (1)

Can Employees Refuse to Work on a Federal Holiday?

The last bite of pumpkin pie has been enjoyed and the mouth has been duly dabbed with a napkin.  The cook looks around the kitchen table with a smug feeling of satisfaction, knowing that everyone has enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day feast.  She knows that soon the men will meander into the den to watch the football game while the women will don aprons and begin the massive clean-up process.

Well, that little scenario might have happened before “Gray Thursday” came along and ripped the Thanksgiving Day holidays and rituals to shreds.  Now, no one wants to linger long past the pumpkin pie as they scoot out the door saying “hate to eat and run but…”   Unfortunately, the eat-and-run crowd isn’t just the bargain hunters anymore – it is the poor retail workers as well.

Well, if shopping for bargains is your shtick, then fine.  Many shoppers were content to wait until the stores opened at the crack of dawn on the day after Thanksgiving.  But now the former “Black Friday bargains” are now available right smack dab in the Thanksgiving Day dinner hour.

Working From Home Work

How Does Working From Home Work?

You would think in this day and age everyone would be working from home, considering it’s such an easy thing to do.  But, while more and more companies are allowing employees to do this, more and more are still putting their foot down and saying no to this type of employment.  If you are one of those companies that have done the research, seen the stats and you want to consider trying this out and letting a handful of employees try to work from home, there are a few things you want to consider from a legal perspective.

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was set in place to help protect workers from being treated unfairly in the workplace as it pertains to pay practices and work regulations. It is a federal law which describes different regulations regarding commerce employment and it details things like requirements for overtime, setting limits on child labor and establishing minimum wage. The FLSA is very important and employers must be willing to abide by the various regulations for the ways in which they deal with their employees.